On this page you will find information for (potential) suppliers of goods and services to TAQA Energy B.V (and subsidiaries). We ask you to read this information carefully before you are entering into any obligations with us.


All agreements and purchase orders from TAQA Energy BV (and subsidiaries) refer to the two documents below.

General Terms & Conditions for Suppliers 

General HSSE Terms and Conditions

Conditions for delivery goods and services

Cargo notification and delivery requirements

Delivery address for goods

TAQA Warehouse Alkmaar
Barnsteenstraat 8
1812 SE Alkmaar
E-mail: info.warehouse@taqaglobal.com

Training requirements

To ensure everyone can work safely at TAQA locations, our suppliers must meet the minimum training requirements as stated in the documents below.

Offshore training requirements

Onshore training requirements

Request form Access Pass Onshore Locations

More information

Purchasing: info.supplychain@taqaglobal.com

Logistics: logistics.NL@taqaglobal.com

Training requirements: security.NL@taqaglobal.com

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